Über Uns
Jo's Hüttenliste
DAV Garching



Hütten dieses Eigners:

Name Höhe Optionen
Aggetts Hut - -
Albina Lodge above Lake Albina - -
Allens Hut im Lake Mungo NP - -
Alpine Hut south of Spencer Peak - -
Bark Hut near to Tumut - -
Betts Camp (Old Hut) - -
Betts Camp (new hut) - -
Big Peppercorn Hut - -
Blue Lake Shelter - Karte
Boggy Plain Hut at Tantangara - -
Boltons Hut above Happy Jacks pondage - -
Boltons on the Finn Hut near the Finn River - -
Boobee Hut - -
Boonoo Hut - -
Botherum Plain Hut - Karte
Brayshaws Hut in KNP - -
Broken Cart Hut - -
Bullocks Hut by the Snowy River - -
Burrungubugge Shelter - Karte
Bushes Log Cabin - -
CSIRO Hut - Karte
Cesjacks Hut east of Jugungal - Karte
Circuits Hut north of Currango - Karte
Collins Homestead - -
Constances Hut - Karte
Coolah Tops Hut im Coolah Tops National Park - -
Coolamine Homestead is on the Blue Waterholes Firetrail - -
Cootapatamba Hut - Karte
Cotterills Cottage beside the Snowy Highway - Karte
Cowombat Flat Hut at Cowombat Flat - -
Craces Hut near Dry Dam - -
Crows Hut on the Nungar Plain - -
Daveys Hut - Karte
Dead Horse Gap Hut above Thredbo - -
Delany's Hut on the side of the Snowy Highway - Karte
Derschkos Hut - Karte
Diamond Hill Hut - -
Diane Hut - Karte
Dicky Cooper Hut - -
Disappointment Spur Hut south of Guthega - Karte
Doctor Phillips Hut at Happy Jacks Plain - -
Dr Forbes Hut - Karte
Elaine Mine Huts in the Yarrangobilly area - -
Eucumbene Lookout Shelter - -
Faulkner's Hut north of Bradleys Hut - -
Flynn's Hut - -
Foremans Hut - Karte
Four Mile Hut Kosciuszko National Park - Karte
Franks Hut bei Canberra - Karte
Freebody's Hut - Karte
Gavels Hut at the southern end of Tantangara Plain - Karte
Gibbs Homestead near to Gooandra - -
Glendale Shed bei Canberra - Karte
Gooandra Homestead north of Kiandra - Karte
Grey Hill Cafe - -
Gudgenby Cottage bei Canberra - Karte
Guthega Ski Shelter - -
Hain's Hut west of Tantangara - Karte
Hainsworth Hut west of Tantangara Dam - Karte
Happy Jacks Plain Huts near Happy Jacks Pondage - Karte
Happys Hut at the top end of Snowy Plain - Karte
Harris Hut - -
Harveys Hut - Karte
Hedger's Hut - -
Horse Camp Hut - Karte
Hospital Creek Hut bei Canberra - Karte
Ilawong Lodge south of Guthega - Karte
Ingeegoodbee Hut - -
Italian Miners Hut in Kosciuszko National Park - -
Jack Riley's Hut - -
Jemmetts Hut - Karte
Jounama Homestead west of Yarrangobilly - -
Keebles Hut at the Geehi flats area - -
Kells Hut at Emu Flat - Karte
Kiandra Court House in Kiandra - Karte
Kidmans Hut - Karte
Kunama Hut - Karte
Leura Hut at the top of Tantangara Plain - -
Lindleys Hut 100m outside the Kosciuszko NP - -
Linesmans #2 Hut - Karte
Linesmans Number 3 Huts - -
Linesmans Number 4 Hut - -
Little Peppercorn Hut - -
Little River Original Hut - -
Lobb's Hole Hut - -
Long Flat Homestead on the Horse Shoe Firetrail - -
Lookdown Hut near Yarrangobilly - -
Lorna Doone Hut - -
Love Nest in the Sallees - Karte
Mackays Hut - Karte
Major Clews Hut west of the Geehi Flats - Karte
Matthews Cottage in Kiandra - -
Mawsons Hut under Mt Gungarten - Karte
Merambego Homestead in the far south Byadbo Wilderness - -
Middle Creek Hut - -
Millers Hut on Long Plain - Karte
R. G. Moulds Hut west of Eucumbene Dam - -
Mudholes Hut - -
Munyang Hut - -
Napthalis Homestead - -
O'Briens Hut - -
O'Keefes Hut - Karte
Ogilvies Hut at Cool Plain - -
Old Currango Hut at the top of the Tantangara Plain - Karte
Old Pretty Plain Hut - -
Oldfields Hut 1320m Karte
Olsens Lookout Shelter - -
Opera House - -
Patons Hut - Karte
Pedens Hut to the east of Tantangara Dam - Karte
Peppercorn Shelter at the nortnern end of Long Plain - -
Perisher Gap Hut - -
Pethers No. 1 Hut on Ring Creek - -
Pethers No. 2 Hut - -
Pig Gully Hut - -
Pigrams Hut - -
Pipers Creek Hut - -
Pockets Hut in the Tantangara Plain - Karte
Pretty Jimmy Hut - -
Pretty Plain Hut west of Jagungal - -
Prowses Hut - -
Pugilistic Hut on Pretty Plain - -
Rawsons Hut near Rawsons Pass - -
Red Hut at Charlottes Pass - -
Reids Mine Hut - -
Rial's Homestead north of Jagungal - Karte
Richard's Break Hut - -
Robertson Beach Hut im Myall Lakes NP - -
Round Mountain Hut - Karte
Rugman's Hut in the deep south of Byadbo - Karte
Rules Point Hotel - -
Rutledges Hut in the Thredbo Valley - -
Sandy Creek Hut in the Southern Byadbo Wilderness - Karte
Schofields Hut on the Tantangara Plain - Karte
Seaman's Hut - Karte
Simpsons Diggings Hut - -
Slaughter House in East Byadbo wilderness - -
Soil Conservation Hut south of Blue Lake - Karte
Spencer's Hut - Karte
Spicers Hut - -
Spottswoods Hut - -
Stilwell Restaurant near Thredbo Valley - Karte
Stockwhip Hut - Karte
Tabletop Hut - -
Tantangara Hut north of Sawyers Hill - -
Ted Oldfield's Hut - -
Teddys Hut - Karte
Thomas' Hut - -
Three Mile Hut - -
Tin Hut 2 - Karte
Tolbar Hut - -
Tongue Bend Hut - -
Toolong Hut - -
Townsends Lodge east of Tantangara Dam - Karte
Traces Hut Near to the Tantangara dam - -
Tut Hut - -
Twynam Shelter - -
Tyrells Hut in the Geehi Valley - -
Valentine Hut under Mt Gungarten - Karte
Venables Hut - -
Verandah Camp Hut in the Geehi Valley side - -
Vickerys Hut on Jounama Creek - Karte
Washington Arms Hotel - Karte
Waste Point Shelter - -
Waterhole Hut bei Canberra - Karte
Weather Station Dugout near Kings Cross - -
Westerman's Homestead bei Canberra - Karte
Wheelers Hut south of Tooma Reservoir - Karte
Windy Creek Hut - -
Witzes Hut near Tantangara Dam - Karte
Wolgal Lodge in Kiandra - Karte
Wragges Observatory Hut on Mt Kosciusko 2228m Karte
Yellow Bog 1 Hut - -
Yellow Bog 2 Hut - Karte

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